Capt. Atul Vatsa
Senior Consultant & Master Mariner
IMC Representative in India and Far East
Mobile: +65 91251232
Capt. Atul Vatsa
Senior Consultant & Master Mariner
IMC Representative in India and Far East
Mobile: +65 91251232
Southport CT - New York Region
2425 Post Road, Suite 101, Southport, CT 06890
+1-203-256-1000 (available 24/7 - Emergency number)
24 Hour Emergency Line +1 203-256-1000

Planning and Auditing
to Meet Security Regulations
IMC provides planning and auditing services for vessels and facilities to comply with the provisions of security regulations (33 CFR 104, 33 CFR 105).
The Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 updated the regulatory requirements for vessels and maritime facilities to provide enhanced security for their operations. Internationally, the MTSA reconciles with the International Ship and Port Security Code of the IMO. Each vessel engaged in international voyages and subject to SOLAS is required to complete a vessel security plan and the plans must be approved by the Coast Guard. Similarly, each US facility receiving vessels which sail internationally must have an approved security plan. These plans are very similar in structure and include sections on organization, responsibilities, training, drills and exercises, records and documentation, changes in Maritime Security levels, interface procedures, Declarations of Security, communications, security equipment, access control, restricted area measures, cargo handling procedures, and incident management procedures.
IMC can assist vessel owners by providing services to:
Develop a security plan for a new vessel or facility
Ensure that the security plan reconciles and aligns with company operations and capabilities
Work through the regulatory review process with the USCG and adjust the plan as required
Train Company, Vessel, and Facility Security Officers, security personnel, and other company personnel on security procedures
Conduct quarterly drills of components of the plan and an annual exercise
Complete audits of the plan to ensure compliance
Update the plan through amendments or as required by regulation
The IMC team is comprised of highly experienced marine consultants with extensive experience in the development, review, and approval of vessel and facility security plans. Our team is ready to assist vessel and facility owners and security officers to ensure compliance and protect valuable assets.